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Akashic Record: Esalen, Big Sur, California 2018 

After the morning shamanic journeying session, I was sleepy and contemplative. I wrote down my journey and then I slipped away from the group without eye contact and went down to commune with the sea on the cliff side. Below the house along a rocky garden path, I found a bench hidden away with a breathtaking view of the ocean. It was the perfect place to express my gratitude to God and I sang a little made up melody to open my heart chakra. I asked the spirits of Esalen to bless my work on this trip. I was in deep reflection when Diane appeared with a bright smile. She eased her body up against the railing and took a deep cleansing breathe.  

“I think this is my favorite place on Earth!” She said with her arms stretched out and face tilted up towards the sky.  

“I know! Mine too. I don’t think it gets any better than this. I love that the sun is finally out.” I replied. 

“How did your journey go?” She asked. 

“I went to the beach in Florida and met myself a Seahawk. Hope he knows what he’s getting into.” I joked.  

“I didn’t get to go where the spirit animals were. I was dealing with my mother stealing my voice and I kept hearing Native American women singing. I think they were from this area…here at Esalen somewhere and was trying to follow them.”  

“Cool. I was just humming an unknown melody as I sat here. There’s something in the air we’re picking up on.”   

I stood up to meet her at the railing and stared down into the waves of the Pacific Ocean pounding against the cliffs beneath us, quietly taking in its powerful energy. I felt her looking at me. When I looked up and our eyes met she said very directly as if we had been friends forever,   

“You know you’re right. Your narcolepsy is a gift. I would even say it’s your superpower. It’s good that you’re finally deciding to drop your façade…you know…your Clark Kent.” She brushed her hand against my shoulder. I laughed at her expression but was unsure of where she was going.  “You know that book they were talking about in class…the one about Interplanetary souls and earthbound souls. I think you should read that book because it most likely applies to you. You’re not here to fit in. You’re here to lead and this world doesn’t make sense to you because you’ve seen other better worlds as a higher being. You’re really just here to deliver a message or raise the vibration of the planet. But you have to remember who you are first.”  

“Whoa, okay…” I laughed. She kept her eyes locked on mine. “I don’t know what to say.”  

“Just remember who you are okay.” She commanded. “Come on, we have a little time before lunch, I want to show you something.”  

She turned and lead the way up the path. I followed her all the way to a magical virgin redwood forest complete with a waterfall. Just the very thing I had added to my sacred garden during my earlier journey that morning. A beautiful, much needed energetic blessing. Did Diane know or was it just another magical synchronicity?

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